Saturday, June 30, 2012

Doctors Stumped: Indian Man Gets Headaches Whenever He Watches Porn - Cinema Blend

published: 2012-06-30 18:15:34

Two years ago, a twenty-two-year-old Indian man got a splitting headache when he tried to watch pornography. The next time he made an attempt, the same splitting pain came back. Recently, he went to see his doctor about the problem, and now, he’s at the center of a medical mystery as specialists try to figure why the hell the poor guy can’t watch his porn in peace.

According to The New York Daily News, doctors have found no abnormalities in his brain, and they’re currently stumped as to what could be causing the headaches. When the man masturbates without pictures in front of him, he experiences no pain. When he has sex with a woman, he has no ill-effects, but after exposure to a little bit of porn, his pain gets worse and worse until it’s unbearable after about ten minutes.

Not wanting to be shut off from the world of porn, the man reportedly asked his doctors if anything could be done, and they told him to take the equivalent of thirty painkillers prior to viewing the content. For his sake, he’s going to need to stop watching regularly. I’m not sure anyone’s body could handle thirty painkillers a day over a long period of time.

Pop Blend’s thoughts go out to this horny random dude who only wants to see the occasional naked woman without feeling as if he’s near death. No one deserves that torture.


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