Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cancer Now Top Cause of Death for US Hispanics - WebMD

WebMD Health News

hispanic man with serious expression

Sept. 17, 2012 -- Cancer has passed heart disease as the top killer of U.S. Hispanics, according to the American Cancer Society.

"More Hispanics are suffering and dying from cancer than from heart disease," says researcher Rebecca Siegel, MPH, an epidemiologist with the society.

That is true, she says, even though death from cancer and new cancer cases have been declining in U.S. Hispanics over the past decade.

Siegel is a researcher on the new report, "Cancer Statistics for Hispanics/Latinos, 2012.'' It is published online in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.

The gap between heart disease deaths and cancer deaths in Hispanics is small, she says.

In 2009, the most recent year for which data are available, 29,935 Hispanics in the U.S. died of cancer and 29,611 died of heart disease.

"It's a good news, bad news story," Siegel says.

Cancer in Hispanics: More Information

Every three years since 2000, the American Cancer Society has produced the report.

Hispanics and Latinos are the largest and fastest-growing major demographic group in the U.S. In 2010, they made up more than 16% of the population.

For the report, Hispanic refers to those with origins in Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, South or Central America, or other Spanish areas.

In 2012, the researchers estimated, about 112,800 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed among U.S. Hispanics. More than 33,000 cancer deaths are expected.

From 2000 to 2009, the incidence for all cancers combined dropped by an average of:

  • 1.7% a year among Hispanic men
  • 0.3% a year among Hispanic women

In comparison, the incidence dropped 1% a year in non-Hispanic white men and 0.2% in non-Hispanic white women.

The death rate for all combined cancers among Hispanics decreased, too, by an average of:

  • 2.3% a year in men
  • 1.4% a year in women

That, too, is better than among non-Hispanic whites, which declined 1.5% a year in men and and 1.3% a year in women during the same period.

Hispanic men are most likely to get cancers of the prostate, colon and rectum, and lung and bronchus.

For Hispanic women, cancers of the breast, colon and rectum, and thyroid are most common.

The report says it is important to realize that the U.S. Hispanic population is constantly changing because of new immigrants. The trends reflect the risks of established Hispanic residents and incoming Hispanic immigrants.

Hispanics & Cancer: Perspectives

The new report should not be alarming, says Paulo S. Pinheiro, MD, PhD, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

"Both incidence and death rates are declining," he says. However, he says "there is always room for improvement."

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